Turkey, Syria earthquake LIVE News In Hindi | Turkey, Syria Earthquake live updates In Hindi



The death toll from Thursday's powerful earthquake in eastern Turkey has risen to more than 30, with hundreds more injured. The magnitude-6.8 quake struck the eastern Elazig and Malatya provinces in the early hours of Thursday morning. 

Rescue teams and medical personnel are at the scene, searching for survivors and providing medical attention to those injured. 

The Interior Ministry has said that a number of buildings have been damaged or destroyed, including buildings in the cities of Elazig and Malatya. 

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  • The earthquake in Turkey was also felt in neighboring Syria, causing damage and some minor injuries. 
  • The quake was felt in the city of Aleppo, where some residents evacuated their homes due to the shaking. 
  • The Syriancivil defense said that a number of homes were damaged in Aleppo, but there were no reports of serious injuries. 

The quake was also felt in the Damascus area, where some residents reported feeling shaking. No major damage was reported in the capital. 

The US Geological Survey said that the quake was centered in the Van province of Turkey , near the border with Syria. It is the second major earthquake to hit the region in two years, following a magnitude 7.2 quake in 2011 that killed over 500 people in the area. 

The quake has also been felt in other countries in the region, including Iraq and Lebanon. 

There have been no reports of significant damage or injuries in those countries.

  • Turkey and Syriaare both prone to earthquakes due to their proximity to the North Anatolian fault line. The area has seen a number of powerful earthquakes over the years, including a magnitude 7.4 quake in 1939 that killed more than 30,000 people. 

  • In the wake of this latest quake, local authorities in both Turkey and Syria have called for residents to remain vigilant and to be prepared for aftershocks. 

  • The region has seen an increase in seismic activity in recent months, with several quakes of magnitude 5.0 or higher striking Turkey Syria, and Iraq since October. 

  • It is not yet known what caused the quake, but experts say that it could be linked to the movement of the Anatolian fault line. 

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The exact number of casualties and the amount of damage caused by the quake are still unknown, but authorities in both Turkey and Syria are continuing their rescue efforts. 

  • In Turkey , authorities have deployed search-and-rescue teams to affected areas, with the Turkish Red Crescent providing aid. Additionally, Turkey's Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD) has set up a Disaster Response Center in Van, the epicenter of the quake.
  • In Syria, the government has declared a state of emergency and is organizing search-and-rescue efforts. The Syrian Arab Red Crescent is also providing relief operations in the affected areas. 
  • Experts say that the quake is likely to have caused considerable damage in both countries, with many buildings and structures likely to have been damaged or destroyed. 
  • The impact of the quake was felt as far away as Istanbul, some 600 miles away from the epicenter. There have been no reports of casualties or damage in the city, but the quake was strong enough to rattle buildings and cause panic among residents. 

The earthquake is a reminder of the danger posed by seismic activity in the region, and of the need for preparedness.

 Both Turkey and Syria have implemented measures to try and mitigate the impact of future earthquakes, but the region remains vulnerable to seismic activity

For now, the focus is on the ongoing rescue efforts in both countries

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